Andreas Bender

Andreas Bender

Researcher and Lecturer

LMU Munich



I am a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Statistics. I am part of the Chair of Statistical Learning and Data Science and senior consultant at the Statistical Consulting Unit. I am affiliated with the Munich Center for Machine Learning and member of the LMU Open Science Center.

I’m interested in methodological research, research software enginieering and application of statistcis and machine learning, particularly in the field of Survival Analysis, Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Biomedicine.


New release: pammtools v0.5.4

New release. Support for left-truncation, recurrent events and competing risks.

I joined mlr-org

I joined mlr-org

Talks / Workshops

A General Machine Learning Framework for Survival Analysis

ECML PKDD 2020: In this work, we present a very general machine learning framework for time-to-event analysis that uses a data augmentation strategy to reduce complex survival tasks to standard Poisson regression tasks.

pammtools: Survival Analysis using Generalized Additive Mixed Models

R Medicine 2020: The pammtools package for Survival Analysis using Generalized Additive Mixed Models is introduced